It has typically resumed just fine, but this morning it crashed after the freeze and returned me to the desktop. Answer (1 of 3): There are many reasons why your roblox game can crash. The reason why we recommend you to run a clean boot in Windows first is that clean boot will be able to help you determine whether a background program or game is interfering with your computer performance.What to do if an app keeps stopping? For most Android users, the first thing would be to figure out why it keeps crashing. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member. My Mac meets recommended tech requirements without any issue. Make sure you have the latest version of Windows or MacOS. In this chapter of the guide for Phasmophobia you will find a list of all the ghosts, as well as their characteristics, powers, a list of necessary evidence and tips on how to deal with them. Developers are working on it but it just takes some time.